Last Updated: April 1, 2024

Thank you for visiting the Find Jobs 360 website located at (“the Site"). This Privacy Policy applies to the use of We (“the Company”) highly value your privacy and make this policy easily available throughout our site to assist you in understanding the handling of information in the course of using this site. By using and accessing the site, you acknowledge you have read, understood and agree to be bound to all the terms and practices described in this Privacy Policy.


One type of information we collect is the Personally Identifiable Information ("Personal Information") provided when you enroll in one of our programs via the online registration forms on one of our properties. This Personal Information may include, but is not limited to, your name, mailing address, email address, date of birth, gender and telephone number.

In addition to the Personal Information you provide to us, we will also collect certain information online and offline arising out of your participation in the program and use of the property including, but not limited to, the number and type of offers you have responded to and completed.

Depending on the services you have chosen to use, some or all of your Personally Identifiable Information may be used by to provide such services. Personally Identifiable Information may also be provided to intermediaries and third parties (including affiliates and partners) who assist us in providing you with the service upon your request. is the owner of the information collected on


We use the information we gather on the Site for the purposes of providing the services and or products you have requested. This may include passing your information on to a third party with which we have a contract to provide such services. Although our contractual arrangement limits how such third party can use your information, we do not control the privacy practices of this third party. If you have any questions or wish to remove your information from the third party’s database, you will need to contact that party directly.

In addition to providing products and services, we also use the information we gather on the site to respond to any inquires you make; operate and improve our site, improve and create a positive user experience; and deliver the products and services advertised on our Site. Our services include the display of personalized products, content, and advertising relating to your experience and interests. The information we gather on this site may be shared the other companies under common ownership with ours throughout the world.

Targeted Advertising. Company may use Personally Identifiable Information to target advertising to an individual. When an individual is using the Internet, Company uses other information to associate an individual with that person's Personally Identifiable Information, and Company attempts to show advertising for products and services in which the person has expressed an interest in the Surveys, and otherwise. Company may, at its discretion, target advertising by using email, direct mail, telephones, cell phones, and other means of communication to provide promotional offers.

Email and Unsubscribe Policy. Company may provide your personal information to third parties for job alerts and promotional offers by email. These offers may be our services and products or those of third parties. We may maintain separate email lists for different purposes. If email recipients wish to end their email subscription from a particular list, they need to follow the instructions at the end of each email message to unsubscribe from the particular list. To unsubscribe from all Company’s email lists, a person can use the unsubscribe link.

Telemarketing. Company may use Personally Identifiable Information to advertise, directly or indirectly, to individuals using direct mail marketing or telemarketing using telephones and cell phones. You may have your telephone number or cell phone number listed on a state or federal do not call registry. By registering on this site and checking the box to give your consent to be called, you are waiving your rights and privileges under these laws and expressly giving permission of Company and any agent of Company the right to contact you by telephone or cell phone, and you agree that such act constitutes an inquiry and/or application for purposes of the Amended Telemarketing Sales Rule (16 CFR § 310 et seq.), as amended from time to time (the "Rule"). Further, if you are residing outside the United States, by registering and using this Web Site, You acknowledge that the processing of your individual information may involve the transfer of such Individual information from within or outside the European Economic Area ("EEA") to countries within or outside the EEA whose data protection regulation may not be as stringent as that within the European Union. We may use individual information to provide the services you've requested, including services that display customized content and advertising.

Wireless Addresses. If the e-mail address you provide to Company is a wireless e-mail or text address, you agree to receive messages at such address from Company or its business associates (unless and until you have elected not to receive such messages by following the instructions in the unsubscribe portion of this policy). You understand that your wireless carrier's standard rates apply to these messages. You represent that you are the owner or authorized user of the wireless device on which messages will be received, and that you are authorized to approve the applicable charges.

Short Message Service. Company may make available a service through which you can receive messages on your wireless device via short message service ("SMS Service"). Data obtained from you in connection with this SMS service may include your name, address, cell phone number, your provider's name, and the date, time, and content of your messages. You represent that you are 18 years of age and the owner or authorized user of the wireless device on which messages will be received, and that you are authorized to approve the applicable charges. In addition to any fee of which you are notified, your provider's standard messaging rates apply to our confirmation and all subsequent SMS correspondence. All charges are billed by and payable to your mobile service provider. Company will not be liable for any delays in the receipt of any SMS messages, as delivery is subject to effective transmission from your network operator. SMS message services are provided on an AS IS basis. Company may also obtain the date, time and content of your messages in the course of your use of the SMS Service. We will use the information we obtain in connection with our SMS Service in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If fees are charged to your wireless account invoice, we may provide your carrier with your applicable information in connection therewith. Your wireless carrier and other service providers may also collect data about your wireless device usage, and their practices are governed by their own policies.

You acknowledge and agree that the SMS Service is provided via wireless systems which use radios (and other means) to transmit communications over complex networks. We do not guarantee that your use of the SMS Service will be private or secure, and we are not liable to you for any lack of privacy or security you may experience. You are fully responsible for taking precautions and providing security measures best suited for your situation and intended use of the SMS Service. We may also access the content of your account and wireless account with your carrier for the purpose of identifying and resolving technical problems and service-related complaints.

You may remove your information from Company's database. If you remove your information from Company's database it will no longer be used by Company for secondary purposes, disclosed to third parties, or used by Company or third parties to send promotional correspondence to you. You may remove your information by sending "STOP", "END", "QUIT" to the SMS text message you have received.

Storage of Individual Information. operates secure data networks protected by industry standard firewall and password protection systems. Our security and privacy policies are periodically reviewed and enhanced as necessary, and only authorized individuals have access to the information provided by our customers. Notwithstanding such measures, Company cannot guarantee that its security measures will prevent its computers from being illegally accessed, and the Individual Information on them stolen or altered.

Your email will only be shared with our preferred mailing partner for the purpose of sending third party promotional email communications.


Company will never knowingly collect any personal information about children under the age of 18. If Company obtains actual knowledge that it has collected personal information about a child under the age of 18, that information will be immediately deleted from its database. Because it does not collect such information, Company has no such information to use or to disclose to third parties. Company has designed this policy in order to comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act ("COPPA").


When an end-user visits the Site, we send a cookie and/or gif file ("Cookie") to assign an anonymous, unique identifier to the applicable end-user's Internet browser. A Cookie is a piece of data stored on your hard drive containing non-personally identifiable information about you. Cookies have many benefits to enhance your experience at the Site. To disable and reject certain Cookies, follow the instructions associated with your Internet browser. Even in the case where a user rejects a Cookie, he or she may still use this site. reserves the right to retain Cookie data indefinitely.


We endeavor to safeguard and protect your information. When you submit information at the website, such information is protected both online and offline. The servers in which we store Personal Information are kept in a secure physical environment. We have security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of personal information under our control. Currently, we use Secure Socket Layer Software ("SSL") to protect data and to secure any transactions. SSL encrypts information, including credit card numbers, names and addresses as they are transmitted over the Internet. Please be advised that, although we take commercially reasonable technological precautions to protect your data, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. Therefore, we cannot and do not warrant that your information will be absolutely secure. Any transmission of data at or through this site is at your own risk. However, access to your information is strictly limited, and not accessible to the public.


This Website may contain links to other third-party owned and/or operated websites and we may transfer you directly to the websites of such third party providers. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites. In some cases, you may be required to provide certain information to register or complete a transaction at such website. These third-party websites have separate privacy and data collection practices and we have no responsibility or liability relating to them. We do not endorse, nor are we responsible for the accuracy of, the privacy policies and/or terms and conditions of such website. These third party entities are independent third parties and are not affiliated with us.


We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to change, modify, add and/or remove portions of this Privacy Policy at any time and without prior notice to you. All Privacy Policy changes will take effect immediately upon their posting on the site. Please check the site periodically for any changes. Your continued use of the site following the posting of changes to this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of any and all changes.


If you have any questions about the practices of, you can write to us at 2372 Morse Avenue, Suite #306, Irvine, CA 92614 or email us at

Notwithstanding any other provision, we partner with third parties that collect information across various channels, including offline and online, for purposes of delivering more relevant advertising to you. Our partners may place or recognize a cookie on your computer, device, or directly in our emails/communications, and we may share personal information with them if you have submitted such information to us, such as your name, postal address, or email address. Our partners may link the nonpersonal information we share with them to the cookie stored on your browser or device, and they may collect information such as your IP address, browser or operating system type and version, and demographic or inferred-interest information. Our partners use this information to recognize you across different channels and platforms over time for advertising, analytics, attribution, and reporting purposes. For example, our partners may deliver an ad to you in your web browser based on a purchase you made in a physical retail store, or they may send a personalized marketing email to you based on the fact that you visited a particular website. To learn more about interest-based advertising in general and to opt out, please visit

Your California Privacy Rights

Click here to see our CCPA policy. may update this policy from time to time so please check our Privacy Policy section on the website periodically for changes. Revision Date: Dec 17. 2019

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